The UPSC has released ESE MAINS 2020 Admit card on 22nd September, 2020. Students can download the ESE 2020 ADMIT CARD directly from UPSC website. Following are the steps to be download the admit card.
The UPSC ESE admit card 2020 will be displayed on the screen, Download the admit card and take its print out for future use.
It is high time now; less than thirty days are available for exam. This is high time to revise your notes and evaluate yourself. It is a standard precedence that topper of exams have revised their own notes and questions of test series in these times. Evaluation of your preparation can be easily done with IES MASTER conventional online test series. Students can enroll themselves with IES MASTER CONVENTIONAL ONLINE FULL LENGTH TEST SERIES from here So, best of luck to students for ESE MAINS 2020. For more updates like this, keep on visiting